Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Brief History of the Artistic Sphere Group

Written by: Sharon A. Layton Pollock

Let’s go back to the beginning of human kind. Even then art was an important tool of human existence. They depicted their day’s events, their accomplishments, trials and their festivities. The walls of their caves told their story. From that time to now artists have played a huge part in preserving our history in various artistic ways and upon many different mediums.

Webster’s dictionary says:
Art 1. is a skill acquired by experience or study 2. a branch of learning 3. an occupation requiring knowledge or skill 4. The use of skill and imagination in the production of things of beauty .
An artist is one who practices an art, one who creates objects of beauty.
New Brunswick, and this very area in which we live has no shortage of artists. The shortage is, though, a way to tell, and a place to show others of such great abilities. Thus, the idea , the dream of a gallery.

Approximately two years ago in the kitchen of Winona McLean’s, she and Sharon Pollock were discussing the need for a museum in the area and a place where local artists could display their works. We thought about existing building in the area that would be suitable. Not many came to mind. Winona said that The Maritime Motor Sport Hall of Fame too were looking for a building to call home. It was then that we knew a building had to be built, and thus planning began.
Meetings were held at the Atlantic Motel in Berry Mills to encourage local artists to unit. Three artist friends, Sharon Pollock of Salisbury, Pattie Gallant of The Glades and Mary Dykstra of Havelock traveled to Sussex . There they sat in on The Sussex Art Societies meeting. This visit was a fact-finding mission to aid in their desire to start an art society of their own.
Later that night the girls stopped at the Bluebird Restaurant for coffee. They discussed their findings and ways in which to apply them to their own endeavors. They tossed around a name for their group. Ideas were jotted down on a napkin and from that came, "The Artistic Sphere Group." The double meaning for sphere being, a circle of artists, and each letter represents the area: S – Salisbury, P – Petitcodiac, H – Havelock, E – Elgin, R – River Glade, E – Elsewhere. The last E leaving it open for many more to join from different areas, thus…..SPHERE!

The Artistic Sphere Group now have meetings once a month at The Irving Big Stop. At the meetings discussions are had concerning "The Petitcodiac Regional Interpretation and Cultural Centre. Ways to promote the group and a "Show and Tell" where members get an opportunity to present their latest works of art. The group has members from Salisbury, Petitcodiac, Havelock, Elgin, River Glades, Harewood, Wheaton Settlement and Nauwigewauk, N.B.

Some of the things that the group has done in the two-year period are:
Their first Art Show and Sale was at the Petitcodiac Kiwanis Club building.
They purchased a booth to display and sell their works at The Westmorland County Agricultural Fair.

Had a fundraiser to purchase this booth in the form of selling ads on a placemat.
Members displayed and sold their art at Turner’s Christmas at the Coliseum in Moncton.
Displayed their art in the Petitcodiac Gazebo the day of the parade in Petitcodiac.
Different members have gotten together to do an art tour of Sackville, N.B.
A group of members got together for a days workshop and sharing of ideas
A group organized a day out in the woods to view, sketch and photograph an active beaver dam.
Bob Nobles, president of The Moncton Art Society, has come to Petitcodiac to do workshops on watercolors.

In recent days The Artistic Sphere Group has joined with the Moncton Art Society to display their art at The Irving Big Stop. This will be an on going. From this display one of our own member, Marion Colette, was the first to have one of her paintings sold.

Our members were invited to take part in the 20th Annual Provincial Art Fair and Sale held April 30 to May 8, 2005 in Highfield Square, Moncton. Member Terri Stott, of Harewood, received a ribbon of "Honorable Mention" for her beautiful mosaic table and Angel wall hanging.

Members of The Artistic Sphere Group have gone on day trips down to Albert County to take in the Fundy Studio Tour. Meeting at the Irving Big Stop for breakfast then car-pooling to the Tour area. From such outings members are not only encouraged to diligently work at their creations, but also get ideas for new ones. It is also very valuable to have discussions and share ideas and concerns with other artists.

If you wish or know someone who could benefit from joining The Artistic Sphere Group call Sharon A. Layton Pollock at (506) 756-9894or e-mail to salayton@nb.sympatico.ca
The Artistic Sphere Group is very interested in seeing The Petitcodiac Regional Interpretation and Cultural Centre come to fruition. They are willing to support it in any way possible, and will be delighted to call it home!
A Brief History of the Artistic Sphere Group

Written by: Sharon A. Layton Pollock

Let’s go back to the beginning of human kind. Even then art was an important tool of human existence. They depicted their day’s events, their accomplishments, trials and their festivities. The walls of their caves told their story. From that time to now artists have played a huge part in preserving our history in various artistic ways and upon many different mediums.

Webster’s dictionary says:
Art 1. is a skill acquired by experience or study 2. a branch of learning 3. an occupation requiring knowledge or skill 4. The use of skill and imagination in the production of things of beauty .
An artist is one who practices an art, one who creates objects of beauty.
New Brunswick, and this very area in which we live has no shortage of artists. The shortage is, though, a way to tell, and a place to show others of such great abilities. Thus, the idea , the dream of a gallery.

Approximately two years ago in the kitchen of Winona McLean’s, she and Sharon Pollock were discussing the need for a museum in the area and a place where local artists could display their works. We thought about existing building in the area that would be suitable. Not many came to mind. Winona said that The Maritime Motor Sport Hall of Fame too were looking for a building to call home. It was then that we knew a building had to be built, and thus planning began.
Meetings were held at the Atlantic Motel in Berry Mills to encourage local artists to unit. Three artist friends, Sharon Pollock of Salisbury, Pattie Gallant of The Glades and Mary Dykstra of Havelock traveled to Sussex . There they sat in on The Sussex Art Societies meeting. This visit was a fact-finding mission to aid in their desire to start an art society of their own.
Later that night the girls stopped at the Bluebird Restaurant for coffee. They discussed their findings and ways in which to apply them to their own endeavors. They tossed around a name for their group. Ideas were jotted down on a napkin and from that came, "The Artistic Sphere Group." The double meaning for sphere being, a circle of artists, and each letter represents the area: S – Salisbury, P – Petitcodiac, H – Havelock, E – Elgin, R – River Glade, E – Elsewhere. The last E leaving it open for many more to join from different areas, thus…..SPHERE!

The Artistic Sphere Group now have meetings once a month at The Irving Big Stop. At the meetings discussions are had concerning "The Petitcodiac Regional Interpretation and Cultural Centre. Ways to promote the group and a "Show and Tell" where members get an opportunity to present their latest works of art. The group has members from Salisbury, Petitcodiac, Havelock, Elgin, River Glades, Harewood, Wheaton Settlement and Nauwigewauk, N.B.

Some of the things that the group has done in the two-year period are:
Their first Art Show and Sale was at the Petitcodiac Kiwanis Club building.
They purchased a booth to display and sell their works at The Westmorland County Agricultural Fair.

Had a fundraiser to purchase this booth in the form of selling ads on a placemat.
Members displayed and sold their art at Turner’s Christmas at the Coliseum in Moncton.
Displayed their art in the Petitcodiac Gazebo the day of the parade in Petitcodiac.
Different members have gotten together to do an art tour of Sackville, N.B.
A group of members got together for a days workshop and sharing of ideas
A group organized a day out in the woods to view, sketch and photograph an active beaver dam.
Bob Nobles, president of The Moncton Art Society, has come to Petitcodiac to do workshops on watercolors.

In recent days The Artistic Sphere Group has joined with the Moncton Art Society to display their art at The Irving Big Stop. This will be an on going. From this display one of our own member, Marion Colette, was the first to have one of her paintings sold.

Our members were invited to take part in the 20th Annual Provincial Art Fair and Sale held April 30 to May 8, 2005 in Highfield Square, Moncton. Member Terri Stott, of Harewood, received a ribbon of "Honorable Mention" for her beautiful mosaic table and Angel wall hanging.

Members of The Artistic Sphere Group have gone on day trips down to Albert County to take in the Fundy Studio Tour. Meeting at the Irving Big Stop for breakfast then car-pooling to the Tour area. From such outings members are not only encouraged to diligently work at their creations, but also get ideas for new ones. It is also very valuable to have discussions and share ideas and concerns with other artists.

If you wish or know someone who could benefit from joining The Artistic Sphere Group call Sharon A. Layton Pollock at (506) 372-5515 or e-mail to salayton@rogers.com
The Artistic Sphere Group is very interested in seeing The Petitcodiac Regional Interpretation and Cultural Centre come to fruition. They are willing to support it in any way possible, and will be delighted to call it home!